The Council has published workforce diversity
data relating to its employees annually,?following consideration?at
Staff and Pensions committee,?as required since 2012 under the
Equality Act 2010,?to demonstrate its compliance with the general
equality duty under section 149 (1).
This report focuses on our continual development and enabling us to
achieve our vision that Warwickshire County Council is a great
place to work where diverse and talented people are enabled to be
their best. Supporting this is the Council's diversity data and pay
gap information.
Decision type: Non-key
Decision status: For Determination
Notice of proposed decision first published: 15/03/2022
Decision due: 12 Sep 2022 by Staff and Pensions Committee
Lead member: Portfolio Holder for Customer & Transformation
Lead director: Executive Director for Resources
Department: Resources Directorate
Contact: Keira Rounsley, Diversity, Inclusion and Wellbeing Team Leader Email: