Issue details

A444 Griff Way, Nuneaton - Proposed 40mph Speed Limit

To consider objections received during consultation on a Traffic Regulation Order for a 40mph speed limit on a short section of the A444 Griff Way, Nuneaton, between the Bermuda bridge and the roundabout junction with College Street.

Decision type: Key

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Divisions affected: Arbury;

Notice of proposed decision first published: 01/06/2023

Decision due: 14 Jul 2023 by Portfolio Holder for Transport and Planning

Lead member: Portfolio Holder for Transport and Planning

Lead director: Executive Director for Communities

Department: Communities Directorate

Contact: Phil Mitton, Engineer Email:

Agenda items


  • A444 Griff Way, Nuneaton - Proposed 40mph Speed Limit