Issue details

Update on the Warwickshire Bus Service Improvement Plan

A report seeking Cabinet endorsement of:

1) The prioritised capital and revenue measures taken from the Warwickshire Bus Service Improvement Plan (BSIP) promoted by the WCC Cross Party Member Working Group

2) Proposed use of the £2.076million BSIP Plus revenue grant allocation awarded to the County Council by the Department for Transport, which will be added to the Warwickshire Enhanced Partnership (EP) Scheme

Decision type: Non-key

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Divisions affected: (All Divisions);

Notice of proposed decision first published: 14/07/2023

Decision due: 14 Sep 2023 by Cabinet

Lead member: Leader of the Council

Lead director: Executive Director for Communities

Department: Communities Directorate

Contact: Nigel Whyte, Principal Transport Planner Email:


Agenda items


  • Update on the Warwickshire Bus Service Improvement Plan