Item 1: To join the new West Midlands
Fostering Framework and progress this recommendation through
governance channels to cabinet for approval.
Item 2: To join the new West Midlands Residential Framework and
progress this recommendation through governance channels to cabinet
for approval.
Item 3: To enter into arrangements for the provision of Short-Term
Emergency Placements and Bail and Remand Intensive Care placements
for children in care and/or children in criminal court
Decision type: Key
Reason Key: Expenditure/ Saving > £1,000,000;
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Divisions affected: (All Divisions);
Notice of proposed decision first published: 15/05/2024
Decision due: 16 Jul 2024 by Cabinet
Lead member: Portfolio Holder for Children & Families
Lead director: Executive Director for Social Care and Health
Department: Social Care and Health Directorate
Contact: Rachael Boswell, Lead Commissioner – All Age Specialist Provisions, Children’s accommodation based services Email:, Gurpreet Bains, Commissioning Officer Email:, Rachel Thomas, Commissioner Email: