Waste Management accept non-household and
commercial wastes on a chargeable basis at our Household Waste
Recycling Centres.
The drop-off charging scheme allows local small businesses to
access good quality waste disposal services at locations around the
county at a competitive price.
The service provides a comprehensive range of recycling
opportunities that are not readily available to businesses by other
The recommendation is for the waste fees and charges to be changed
from 1 April 2020 to reflect increases in treatment gate fees and
Decision type: Key
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Divisions affected: (All Divisions);
Notice of proposed decision first published: 15/01/2020
Decision due: 20 Mar 2020 by Portfolio Holder for Environment, Climate & Culture
Lead member: Portfolio Holder for Finance and Property
Lead director: Executive Director for Communities
Department: Communities Directorate
Contact: Ruth Dixon, Waste Strategy and Commissioning Manager Email: ruthdixon@warwickshire.gov.uk, Tamalyn Goodwin, Project Manager (Waste Strategy and Commissioning) Email: tamalyngoodwin@warwickshire.gov.uk, Andrew Pau, Head of Waste & Country Parks Email: AndrewPau@warwickshire.gov.uk.