Issue details

Code of Corporate Governance (Update)

Warwickshire County Council’s Local Code of Corporate Governance was last updated and approved in 2016. Our transformation journey, including organisational restructure and new ways of working, requires the governance code to be reviewed and revised to be fit for future purpose. Learning points from our COVID-19 response actions and recovery planning will also inform updates to the code.

Decision type: Non-key

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Divisions affected: (All Divisions);

Notice of proposed decision first published: 04/08/2020

Decision due: 8 Apr 2021 by Cabinet

Lead member: Portfolio Holder for Customer & Transformation, Portfolio Holder for Finance and Property

Lead director: Executive Director for Resources

Department: Resources Directorate

Contact: John Cole, Senior Democratic Services Officer Email: Tel: 01926 736118, Sarah Duxbury, Director of Strategy, Planning and Governance Email:, Jane Pollard, Legal Service Manager (Corporate) Email:, Nichola Vine, Head of Legal and Governance Email:


Agenda items


  • Code of Corporate Governance (Update)