Council Meetings
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Adoption Panel
Adult & Community Services Overview & Scrutiny Committee
Adult and Community Services Overview and Scrutiny Committee
Adult Social Care and Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee
Appointments Sub-Committee
Assessment Sub-Committee
Audit and Standards Committee
Chief Fire Officer (2012-13)
Children & Young People Overview and Scrutiny Committee
Children and Young People Overview and Scrutiny Committee
Children, Young People & Families Overview & Scrutiny Committee
Communities Overview and Scrutiny Committee
Community Protection Overview and Scrutiny Committee
Community Safety Overview and Scrutiny Committee
Corporate Parenting Panel
Corporate Services & Community Safety Overview & Scrutiny Committee
Corporate Services Overview and Scrutiny Committee
County Council
Coventry and Warwickshire Joint Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee
Covid-19 Member Engagement Board
Dispensations Sub Committee
Dispensations Sub-Committee
Economic Development Overview and Scrutiny Committee
Environment & Economy Overview & Scrutiny Committee
Environment Overview and Scrutiny Committee
Fostering Panel
Health and Wellbeing Board
Health Overview & Scrutiny Committee
Hearing Sub-Committee
Horton Joint Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee
Joint Children & Young People and Adult Social Care & Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee
Joint Negotiating Body (Staff)
Joint Negotiating Body (Teaching Staff)
Joint Portfolio Holder Children and Schools and Portfolio Holder Workforce and Governance Decisions
JSNA Commissioning Group
Lead Portfolio Holder Decision Making (Resources and Customers, Workforce & Partnerships)
Lead Portfolio Holder Decision-Making (Adult Social Care & Community Safety)
Lead Portfolio Holder Decision-Making (Adult Social Care)
Lead Portfolio Holder Decision-Making (Children, Young People & Families)
Lead Portfolio Holder Decision-Making (Community Safety)
Lead Portfolio Holder Decision-Making (Customers, Workforce & Partnerships and Children, Young Peopl
Lead Portfolio Holder Decision-Making (Environment & Economy)
Lead Portfolio Holder Decision-Making (Health)
Leader Decisions - (Made During Covid-19 Period)
Leaders Liaison Group
Members Seminar
North Warwickshire Area Committee
Nuneaton & Bedworth Area Committee
Officer Key Decisions
Overview & Scrutiny Board
Overview and Scrutiny Co-ordinating Group
Pension Fund Investment Board
Pension Fund Investment Sub-Committee
Portfolio Holder - Adult Social Care & Health
Portfolio Holder - Children’s Services
Portfolio Holder - Community Safety (May 2013 to May 2017)
Portfolio Holder - Customer & Transformation
Portfolio Holder - Customers (May 2013 - May 2017)
Portfolio Holder - Deputy Leader (Finance and Property)
Portfolio Holder - Education & Learning
Portfolio Holder - Environment (May 2013 - June 2017)
Portfolio Holder - Environment and Heritage & Culture
Portfolio Holder - Finance & Property (May 2016 - May 2017)
Portfolio Holder - Fire & Rescue and Community Safety
Portfolio Holder - Fire and Community Safety (May 2017 - May 2018)
Portfolio Holder - Health (May 2013 - May 2017)
Portfolio Holder - Transport & Environment (May 2017 - May 2018)
Portfolio Holder - Transport & Planning
Portfolio Holder - Transport & Planning (and Deputy Leader of the Council) (May 2016 to May 2017)
Portfolio Holder Adult Social Care
Portfolio Holder Child Safeguarding, Early Intervention and Schools
Portfolio Holder Children and Schools (2012-13)
Portfolio Holder Community Safety
Portfolio Holder Customers, Access and Physical Assets
Portfolio Holder Customers, Access and Property (2012-13)
Portfolio Holder Decision Making (CW&P & CYP&F)
Portfolio Holder Decision Making (Resources & CW&P)
Portfolio Holder Decision-Making (Adult Social Care)
Portfolio Holder Decision-Making (Children, Young People & Families)
Portfolio Holder Decision-Making (Community Safety)
Portfolio Holder Decision-Making (Customers, Workforce & Partnerships)
Portfolio Holder Decision-Making (Economic Development)
Portfolio Holder Decision-Making (Environment)
Portfolio Holder Decision-Making (Leisure, Culture & Housing)
Portfolio Holder Decision-Making (Resources)
Portfolio Holder Decisions/Leader Decisions
Portfolio Holder Deputy Leader (2012-13)
Portfolio Holder Finance, Governance and IT
Portfolio Holder Finance, Improvement and IT (2012-13)
Portfolio Holder Sustainable Communities
Portfolio Holder Transport and Highways
Portfolio Holder Workforce and Governance (2012-13)
Previous Deputy Leader (May 2013 - May 2016)
Regulatory Committee
Resources and Fire & Rescue Overview and Scrutiny Committee
Resources, Performance & Development Overview and Scrutiny Committee
Rugby Area Committee
School Admission Forum
Schools Forum
Shadow Health and Wellbeing Board
Staff and Pensions Committee
Staff Appointments Sub-Committee
Standing Advisory Council on Religious Education
Strategic Director for People (2012-13)
Strategic Director for Resources (2012-13)
Strategic Director of Children, Young People and Families
Strategic Director of Resources
Stratford-on-Avon Joint Committee (East)
Stratford-on-Avon Joint Committee (South)
Stratford-on-Avon Joint Committee (West)
Stratford-upon-Avon Area Committee
Support Portfolio (Economy & Housing)
Support Portfolio (Workforce & Governance)
Warwick Area Committee
Warwickshire County Council Constitution
Warwickshire Fire and Rescue Local Pension Board of the Firefighters' Pension Scheme
Warwickshire Local Pension Board
Warwickshire Police and Crime Panel
Warwickshire Public Service Board
Warwickshire School Admissions Forum
Warwickshire Waste Partnership
zzzz upgrade June 2024
Non Pecuniary
Personal and Prejudicial
Barker, Councillor Jo Barker
Baxter-Payne, Councillor Richard Baxter-Payne
Beetham, Councillor Brett Beetham
Bell, Councillor Margaret Bell
Birdi, Councillor Parminder Singh Birdi
Boad, Councillor Sarah Boad
Brown, Councillor Barbara Brown
Butlin, Councillor Peter Butlin
Chilvers, Councillor Jonathan Chilvers
Clarke, Councillor Jeff Clarke
Cooke, Councillor John Cooke
Crump, Councillor Andy Crump
D'Arcy, Councillor Jackie D'Arcy
Dahmash, Councillor Yousef Dahmash
Daniell, Councillor Piers Daniell
Drew, Councillor Tracey Drew
Falp, Councillor Judy Falp
Feeney, Councillor Sarah Feeney
Fradgley, Councillor Jenny Fradgley
Gifford, Councillor Bill Gifford
Gilbert, Councillor Peter Gilbert
Golby, Councillor Clare Golby
Hammersley, Councillor Brian Hammersley
Holland, Councillor John Holland
Humphreys, Councillor Dave Humphreys
Humphreys, Councillor Marian Humphreys
Jenns, Councillor Andy Jenns
Kaur, Councillor Kam Kaur
Keeling, Councillor Dale Keeling
Kennaugh, Councillor Jack Kennaugh
Kerridge, Councillor Justin Kerridge
Kettle, Councillor Christopher Kettle
Markham, Councillor Sue Markham
Matecki, Councillor Jan Matecki
Millar, Councillor Sarah Millar
Mills, Councillor Chris Mills
Morgan, Councillor Jeff Morgan
O'Donnell, Councillor Penny-Anne O'Donnell
Pandher, Councillor Bhagwant Singh Pandher
Pemberton, Councillor Daren Pemberton
Phillips, Councillor Caroline Phillips
Redford, Councillor Wallace Redford
Roberts, Councillor Will Roberts
Rolfe, Councillor Kate Rolfe
Roodhouse, Councillor Jerry Roodhouse
Seccombe, Councillor Isobel Seccombe OBE
Shenton, Councillor Ian Shenton
Simpson-Vince, Councillor Jill Simpson-Vince
Sinclair, Councillor Tim Sinclair
Singh, Councillor Mejar Singh
Spencer, Councillor Richard Spencer
Timms, Councillor Heather Timms
Tromans, Councillor Mandy Tromans
Tromans, Councillor Robert Tromans
Warwick, Councillor Adrian Warwick
Watson, Councillor Martin Watson
Wright, Councillor Andrew Wright
There are no declarations of interest on this record for the period